Being the uncreative being as I am, one of the hardest tasks in web development that challenges me is coming up with a theme for a site. For lack of other options, several of my previous sites have been warez sites, but I have since realized that stealing something that others have labored hard to create and recieve very little recognition for is a crime. Programmers gain very little fame for their exploits, and stealing from them is lessoning the respect they recieve.
For now, this section will be used as my way of expressing my views. If there is one thing I detest on earth it is racism. What's worse is that Skinheads believe they are the ones being opressed. Luckily, I know no skinheads personally, because if I did my actions would surely land me in prison. I am utterly disgusted by the actions of racist men and women, and I wish to voice my opinion. If anyone agrees, or disagrees with me, and wishes to ahve their opinion publicezed, please email me here.
[Quotes will be posted below this messawge in the future.]