Hey. This site is normal. I put forth little effort and the result is satisfactory, much like everything else in my life. If oyu ahve any questions or comments, email me here. If you have a problem with my content, then blow it out your ass. Skinheads suck, I refuse to assosciate with homosexuals, and if you piss me off then you can go fuck yourself.
The Norm has no purpose. Here you will find a little bit of everything, if you don't believe me, look harder. If you are a skinhead and you are here, take a hot iron and poke your eyes with it. If your name is "Zak" and you have your kidneys massaged by Mr. White every time oyu need to piss then you are a fucking flamer and you shouldn't be here either. Go hang out in #Gay on IRC and get the fuck away from me.
Finally, if you know know me from aol, you don't really know me. If you know me from somehwere else, you probably do. If that was you I slept with last night, email me bitch that was phat.